Monday, August 4

The night sky

The stale air inside the house smelled more musty than usual, her father and mother discussed adult affairs in the other room, Kyra sat on her bed staring at the floor, this would be the place she would be doomed to the rest of her life, doomed to smell only the musty stale air of the indoors and be trapped in the endless smoke from cooking fires. She supposed one day she could marry a warrior only to clean his shoes and cook his meals, never to be respected in the way she would be, if only they'd chosen her. Slowly she stood up, the wooden planks that made up the floor felt hard beneath her bare feet. She walked slowly, with that somber attitude that many have when so completely disappointed and depressed you feel as if life holds no purpose, as if you need not live any longer. Kyra halted at the small mirror set on the dusty desk in the corner, she moved over to it taking the brush up in her unwilling hand and running it painfully through her tangled hair. She grimaced at herself in the mirror, she finished by tying it back out of her face, a few pieces escaped, the downside to having shorter hair. Kyra brushed them back behind her ears, staring at reflection for a few moments before turning out the door. She slipped easily past her distracted parents as they discussed urgent matters, her father was no warrior, he was not honored, in fact the opposite, for when he was Kyra's age he disgraced the warriors by stealing their food, they were not rich never were, but they could survive in their small three room home. Outside the cool air brushed across her face filling her with life, she suddenly did not feel so depressed as long as she kept the terrible thoughts from entering in. Kyra relized to late she had forgotten shoes as she stepped onto the frozen ground, the cold shocked her for a moment yet she did not wish to go back for shoes, her feet would numb after a few minutes. A rustle in the bushes beside her caused Kyra to turn, but there was nothing there, nothing she could see int he moons dim light. Kyra stared at the stars through bewitched eyes, they were amazing how they twinkled and shined, she wished only to reach up and grasp one. Another rustle snapped her attention back towards the bushes, when she felt a cold gloved hand creeping along her neck.

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