Monday, July 28

The Ceremony

The ceromony began with the beating of drums and when they stopped the leader walked forward. His wrinkles not only shows signs of age but signs of wisdom, four young warriors lined up beside the leader, two on each side, four chances to become a warrior four of Kyra's last chance. The first name was called, it was Aaron the cutest boy in all the land at least in Kyra's view, he introduced himself proudly to his teacher and master then was led back into the leaders tent where he would be given a briefing after the ceremony. Fey's name was called, she had the most beautiful eyes Kyra had ever seen, and yet she would never see the world through them. Fey was blind yet fierce, she could see the world in a way no one else could, she could see her enemies in a way they could never see her, she would be a great warrior. Another name was called and it wasn't her, Kyra began to lose hope only one more name, that was all, only one more chance left. The leaders voice rang out, loud and clear deciding the fate of Kyra, deciding everything she cared about, all she ever wanted, a boy named Athro walked forward grinning mischievously as always. The wind played about her hair as she slowly backed away, tears welled up in her eyes as she turned and ran.

1 comment:

Ele Scrope said...

Your right. Blind people do see things differently. Sometimes its a lot better then a normal persons eyes. That was really good. Hope to read more!