Tuesday, September 30


Kyra lifted her head up, the wall towered over her, she moved her fingers along the rocks but could find no where to grab with her sweaty palms. She placed her forehead against the wall, the cold stone stung a bit at first, only after it felt refreshing.
"Now what would a young girl like you be doing here at a time like this?" A ruff voice came from behind her, she spun quickly around to face her leader, KioNish. Though the small, but noticeable wrinkles on his face showed that he was older, he still fought well like a warrior.
"Why should you care what I do, I'm just one girl." Kyra whispered, she did not care to show respect anymore.
"It is true, you are not a child anymore, and as much as I care about each person under my leadership I would still let one of them cross the wall, if that is what they wish, I would allow them to take their life into their own hands, but you are different." There was silence after KioNish spoke, not even the chirping of morning birds could be heard. Kyra did not move she only stared into the soft blue of eyes of the man who lived to lead and protect his people.
"Why am I different?" She whispered, mainly to herself. The old leaders ruff hand now rested firmly and protectively on her shoulder.
"By your crossing over the wall you not only take with you the fate of yourself, but the fate of all those whom I am accountable to protect, you must understand this is why you could not become a warrior, I could never allow you to cross this wall." Kyra nodded at his words, but remained frozen still, KioNish turned and walked away, though she knew he would be watching her still. Why would her leader, strong and great, try so hard to convince her she was special enough that she need not kill herself? No, he didn't care about her, he only wanted to protect his people. Maybe, Kyra thought If I were to cross the wall, I would be held hostage and he would have to send out warriors to fight when they should be training. Kyra satisified herself with this conclusion, she would think no more about it. She turned than to the bright, blinding light of the sun rising above the dark mountains. Kyra closed her eyes and felt the bathing warmth on her face. After a moment she opened them again, squinting into the light and there she saw the strip of green making its way down the wall. She may not climb it today, but that vine would always be there, an escape. Slowly now Kyra turned and started back toward home.

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