Tuesday, June 10

Running at Sunrise

The rustling behind her grew louder, and finally Kyra gave in and began the slow decent. Landing softly on the frost bitten ground, tingling her feet beneath her cloth boots. Kyra pictured herself, the tight dirt colored dress, simple and roomy, long sleeved of course, yet the thinness of it did not keep the piercing cold from stinging. She could imagine her long brown hair, rarely combed, tossing about gently in the slow chill wind. Her eyes, a dark green staring at the flat valley before her, where in the distance the sun was slowing waking. It's lovely colors were indescribable by small and unseeing human eyes. Kyra let out a shiver from her dry lips, beginning with a walk she soon broke into a run, holding the majority of her dress in one hand, she flew, or so she thought. The ground passed beneath her, the earth was crying out her name as she ran. Wind rustling her hair, her face already so frozen with the cold did not seem to mind more chilling wind. She closed her eyes for just a moment before quickly opening them again. The few small trees Vinta had were behind her, now all that was left was valley stretching out until finally it hit the hills and the sun slowly rising behind it. Maybe out there by those hills there were more large trees like Zen's, only no one dared go to that place, the dangers were unthinkable. At last the smells of morning campfires, and smoke drifted out to her as she neared the edge of the camp. Kyra turned away from the camp and took one last deep breath of the beautiful morning air, then turned once more and walked into the morning bustle of her camp.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're a great writer! I look forward to reading more about Kyra.