Friday, June 26

Enemy befriended

She was sitting on the bed. She was alone, alone until company came to wish her well into the after life. Her heart was a gentle thrumming. She wasn't scared, she didn't quite understand it, only that she wasn't scared. It was as if she knew she wasn't going to die. As if a simple girl named Kyra could have predicted the boy who came through those tent doors. As if she could have known that it would be the same one she had met before. An enemy who would be her only friend.
"You have to get out of here." He whispered "It's time they see you with their own eyes." Kyra didn't even question following him as he led her out of the tent and through a hidden trail. She didn't know who to trust anymore. Her own people who wanted to kill her, or her sworn enemy who was trying to save her? Everything seemed wrong and different, and in confusion Kyra found herself following soundlessly over the wall.

Tuesday, April 7

The Decision

Kyra groaned weakly, her body felt stiff and numb, her eyes like weights pulled down comfortably but not ready to open. There were whispered voices around her then a gentle touch and the warm breath of some one very close. The person's hot breath was tickling her ear as the familiar voice of their leader whispered, "Can you hear me?" Kyra didn't want to open her mouth, she was comfortable, but she made the effort to move her head. It was quite difficult, like waking up much to early from very little sleep. Her body didn't want to move. When she was finally able to twitch her fingers, Kyra's other senses seemed to leap to life also. The smell of the canvas tent she lay in hit her first, other smells of herbs and medicine flew gently toward her and she could even smell the faintest bit of blood. Sunlight streamed through her closed lids for a fleeting moment before it was gone. Someone else was now standing beside her.
"What happened?" The man whispered, Kyra recognized his voice as the leaders son, next in line to inherit after his father. He was a good man, strong, tall, and handsome as Kyra remembered, she thought she might open her eyes to look at him, but suddenly she was filled with a longing to confirm what had happened to her. Though she could ask, would they tell her the truth? Kyra knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but it was about her and she had to know. KioNish sighed and sat on one of the nearby cots.
"It's not safe for her any more. They know, they always knew." The leader spoke gently, his son Ataris, came to sit beside them.
"We can't send her back." Ataris' voice was frightened, uneasy.
"Yes," KioNish sounded thoughtful, Kyra's heart thumped loudly and she fought to make her breathing seem slow as if she were still sleeping, "I endanger the whole village by sending her back, and it is obvious that she can't stay here safe any more, she's getting ideas. I would let the spies do what they want, but it will be difficult for them to kill her." KioNish paused, fear was building in Kyra now like a terrible sickness. "Yes," KioNish said slowly, as if deciding "We will have to do the deed ourselves." Kyra's heart seemed to leap out of her at that moment, she couldn't take it any more. A scream was building in her voice, a cry in her heart. Her own people, they were going to kill her.

Tuesday, February 3

A Shield

"Quick before she blacks out again." Lison commanded, Sam didn't need to be told twice. He nodded and jumped out of the tree landing in a crouch. Quickly and smartly he slid the curved sword out from his sheat strapped to back, hidden underneath the cloak. Spies may not kill regularly but there had been occasions when the council of spies would come together and agree that one secret was too great, then they would send them. Sam and Lison were part of a special team of spies, trained to kill, they were there to destroy the secrets too great, too powerful that even Tran had to be afraid of them.
The spies tried not too get involved with the wars, they simply spied for whichever side hired them. Rarely did they get involved such as this, but Tran was afraid. Afraid of an inherited power that had been given to a girl much to young. They had no cause to be afraid of her parents, but this child was not ready, she herself had no idea what fear and trouble she caused Tran. Spies always hated to get involved in matters that were not theirs to get involved in. Sam paused before going to the girl, remembering the last time her picked up a good sized pebble in his hand and threw it hard. Inches before it hit the girl it exploded into fine little bits. Sam smiled in defeat.
"Too late," He informed Lison "At the rate of these black outs she might be dead soon anyway."
"Let's not get to cocky." Lison said shrewdly, "The warriors are waking."
"This is going to be such a pain!" Sam sighed sliding his sword back into it's sheath "Next time we'll probably end up fighting a body gaurd or something, this shield thing makes it ten times more annoying!" Lison jumped out of the tree to stand next to his younger comrade.
"There has to be a weakness," Lison said "There always is."
If you had blinked your eyes you would have missed the two spies as they made their escape.


There was something about this death that didn't seem right. Something strange, something peculiar. Was it the way she could still feel her hot breath on her hands, or the fog in her head like a veil making everything seem dizzy and far off. It was strange, this couldn't be death, Kyra thought, or could it? She was vaguely aware of noise, somewhere though she could not place it. Kyra simply seemed to get irritated at the noise, go away she wanted to tell it as she concentrated on the fog covering her brain. At last the fog began to clear, shapes danced in front of Kyra's eyes then the pain hit. It was terrible, excruciating. The pain was reminding her of a hurtful fact, she was still alive. Kyra had remembered wanting to fight once before, now she wished she was dead for the pain felt like too much.
It came from her side where she could feel something sticky, blood. Kyra groaned and with much strength and will power, fluttered her eyes open. She was lying on the ground. The dry dirt clotted and red with her blood. Strength left her and she felt the fog returning, no, a voice somewhere far in the back of her head thought, don't let it get you, fight! But Kyra didn't want to fight and she slowly rolled into unconsciousness once again.

The two spies sat in the tree. The one man, Lison, kept a careful on the warriors camp while the other whose name was simply Sam watched the girl. Finish her in one blow, they'd told them, as soon as she blacks out it's over. Sam hadn't truly known what that had meant until just recently. He stared down and his hands covered in blood and then he turned his gaze back toward the girl. Such power one little girl could possess! That wasn't the least of it, since her parents death she'd inherited that power, and so young! She was still clueless, though, which left them another chance. They would not fail, not like Sai, they were trained to kill and they wouldn't give up. One little girl would never get the best of them. He sighed, then the girl groaned. Sam nearly jumped.
"She's awake." He whispered.
"Good" Lison answered "Now finish her."