Wednesday, May 28

The signs of Leaf Fall

The earth glistened with a frosty glow, the skies gentle blue was fading slowly into gray, the sun prepared itself for a long winters sleep and the cool chill wind rushed by bringing the cold months in with it. Kyra saw the birds begin to wake behind the leaves, her breathing came out ragged as she tried not to break the morning silence with it's loud panting. Behind her the sounds at camp grew steadily louder as children excitedly rose from their beds, many like Kyra had closed their eyes but for a moment the night before, sleep had seemed much too difficult. Even the elder ones would be up early this morning, no one wanted to miss the annual ceremony held when leaf fall arrived. All the signs were there in the air, and in the earth. Children and adults alike knew well the coming of leaf fall, they were here and the ceremony must happen as tradition. Only today was not filled with the ordinary excitement for Kyra, there seemed to be a sort of foreboding feeling, she was scared not knowing whether or not they would except her into training. Each warrior of six leaf falls must take on an apprentice, they will consult the earth and stars on their decision, which will be announced at leaf fall. Kyra was getting too old to have a chance at apprenticeship, it was this ceremony or she would be stuck as a house wife, forever. Kyra had heard that on the opposing side she would have many more leaf falls to try, but here this was her last chance and nervousness had kept her from sleep. Kyra looked longingly at the tree covered valley ahead of her as she gripped the ruff bark of Vinta's highest tree, it grew right up against the wall, it was tall but not high compared Zen's great and giant trees, oh how Kyra wished to place her hand upon that redwood tree and hear it's song, but it was on enemy territory, Zen's territory.